Postcard Marketing Templates

Postcard Marketing Templates can help create powerful response for you and your business.

However, it can feel daunting if you don’t have the right team, tools, or experience backing you up. Fortunately, delivering easy-to-customize, quick-to-order, agency-designed postcard marketing templates that WORK has been at the core of our business for more than 25 years. We help entrepreneurs and business owners from every industry find exactly the right tools they need to grow their customer base, and their profits.

When choosing a postcard marketing template for your product or service, there is a lot to consider. Keep these factors in mind before you decide on design and copy:

  • Who is my target customer? Knowing WHO you are marketing to, in terms of what they like, don’t like, buying habits, demographics, and where they are most likely to live is powerful information. It helps you not only craft a direct response message that will cause them to raise their hands, but also help you clarify who your best customer is, so you can find MORE of those kind of customers.

  • Keep it simple. Less is often more when it comes to building direct response postcards. Using templates that are visually appealing WITHOUT being busy and confusing is a best practice in postcard marketing.

  • Use templates that are user-friendly. There are a lot of postcard marketing options available today, but many are simply are too complicated, sophisticated, or cumbersome to use for the average business owner. The end result? Many throw up their hands in frustration, walk away from the process, and never follow through sending out their monthly marketing mailings. Finding a company that makes the process, fast, simple, and affordable will keep your stress level down and your results high.

  • Quality counts. Choosing templates that have high-quality graphics, eye-catching design layouts, and advertising-agency-quality materials (that don’t break the budget) gives business owners the peace of mind that they are investing in the right tools to grow their business.

  • Make it easy for consumers to take ACTION. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen marketing pieces come through even our OWN mailboxes without a call to action, contact information, or a clear message. Lack of clarity is a quick catalyst for people pitching your marketing materials. If you aren’t sure what you need to create a compelling postcard, check out our 10 Best Practices for Postcard Marketing.

Choosing the postcard marketing templates that are best for you and your business doesn’t have to be time-consuming or headache-inducing. Visit us at today or call us at 1.866.405.3638 to get started.

Access All of Our Postcard Templates -- FREE!

DIY Series Postcards

DIY Series Postcards

House Series Postcards

House Series Postcards

Niche Market Series Postcards

Niche Market Series Postcards

Absentee Owner Postcards

Absentee Owner Postcards